Our Mission: Advocating to end domestic and sexual violence.
Despite an increased need for services in 2023, BATP recently learned its largest funder must reduce funding due to unexpected budget changes. BATP will receive a 40% cut from our largest funder in 2024.
THE NEED: 1 in 3 women, 1 in 4 men, & 1 in 12 teenagers have experienced some form of dating/intimate partner violence.
- Family Violence cases have gone up 44% since 2018
- Sexual Assault cases have gone up 33% in the same period
- Intimate Partner Homicides doubled between 2019 & 2022
- BATP saw a 38% increase in hotline calls & a 10% increase in shelter days provided in 2022.
THE REALITY: 2,931 people on any given day (in Harris County ALONE) need HOUSING TO ESCAPE FROM AN ABUSER.* (*Includes the children of the caller/client)
There are only 330 shelter beds in Harris County (pop. 4.7 Million) vs. New York City, which has less than 2 times the population (8.4 million) but 10 times as many beds, at 3500+.
The victims who desperately reach out in their darkest hours, relying on our critical services such as crisis intervention, counseling, housing assistance, and more, face an immediate threat due to the drastic reduction in funding. We implore you to act now, for their sake, to bridge the funding shortfall and sustain our work of saving - and transforming - lives. Your support can make all the difference.